Let's get to work on finding your best options.

You don't walk into a store and hand them a blank check and wait until 3-4 weeks later to see how much they charged you for their goods and services so why would you do that with your health insurance? If you don't know how much coverage your health insurance is going to provide, it might be time to reevaluate your health insurance partner. There are four types of health plans on the market, let us make it easy to choose.
Affordable care act
Do you have pre-existing conditions and qualify for subsidies? Let's look at what ACA can offer.
short Term Medical
Are you changing jobs, or close to age 65? Short term medical plans work best for you.
defined benefits
Do you have good health and like the idea of no deductibles, copays, or co-insurance? Take back your buying power.
healthshare ministries
Are you uninsurable or you can't afford the ACA Plans available? A health share plan could work for you.
medicare & advantage plans
If you are 60 or older, it is time to start planning for Medicare. Don't wait until you turn 65, you could miss out on serious savings.